Bob Urban, Director of Western Operations
I am passionate about my industry, my company and my fellow employees. This has proven to be both a strength and a weakness. Sometimes, my passion has gotten the best of me and I come across as too outspoken or opinionated. This can intimidate people and create unwanted tension. While I always knew about this issue, it was really driven home for me when Mike presented me with 360 feedback and began to help me figure out how to make positive changes.
With Mike’s coaching I have been able to take a look at my thoughts, words and actions and see them in a different light. I learned to pause more often, think before I speak, and sometimes not speak at all. It’s about being more strategic, and more inclusive. People now sometimes mention “the new Bob,” referring to the fact that I might facilitate instead of dominate, or ask questions vs. tell people what to do. Not only have my relations with colleagues improved, but I am also better in my relations with clients.
I know I still have room to improve, but the feedback I am getting, and my own sense of progress, confirms that I am a far more effective and understanding leader.