Many keynote speakers are like cotton candy: they seem exciting and tantalizing, but in the end there is little substance and no nutrition. In contrast, Mike brings fresh ideas delivered in an authentic way that causes his audience to consider new possibilities. His engaging style creates interaction and engagement. Wherever he has spoken — companies, Chambers of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, and other groups — Mike has consistently received the highest ratings and rave reviews. His messages resonate with his audiences long after the event.
Mike can speak on a number of management and leadership topics, including the following:
- The Power (and Perils) of Perception – A look inside what it means to be human, especially as it pertains to what we see, and fail to see, based on our values, convictions and past experiences.
- The Powers of Leadership — Mike sets forth some of the foundational skills for leaders at all levels. Among the powers he brings forth are the power of perception, the power of assessing, the power of teaching, the power of politics, and the power of making changes. His ideas are fresh, non-traditional, and, well, powerful!
- Communicating for Action — Every organization large and small has problems with getting things done. For many the issue centers on over-promising and under-delivering, leaving clients and customers dissatisfied and unhappy. In other cases the problems are more internal, reflecting turf wars, politics and conflicting agenda. Mike’s approach to communications cuts through these issues and gives participants simple yet uncommon ways to collaborate and cooperate.