Here are a list of workshops that Mike has designed and facilitated in companies large and small. Participants have commented on the dynamic pace of the workshops, and the focus on practical, powerful applications. In one executive network organization Mike was rated among the best speakers/trainers they have had in years.
Selling without selling out
This is a non-traditional approach to sales that provides an antidote to the prevailing sales paradigm of convincing or manipulating prospects to buy. It is especially refreshing and inspiring to feel that “selling” is a dirty word. This approach can complement existing sales and customer service training; it is not necessarily a replacement.
Strategic Planning Facilitation
Rather than classic approaches using SWOT or Porter’s 5-Forces, I facilitate groups toward enthusiastic enrollment in specific, stretch goals. Once enrolled in the goals, groups brainstorm success strategies, select a small number through multi-voting, and then assemble “tiger teams” to address each key initiative.
Management Development Series
As management has moved from command-and-control to a more collaborative style, today’s manager needs to be able to coach, give feedback, delegate and other skills. This workshop series presents some of the essential management tools in practical, powerful and experiential ways. Workshop includes 1:1 coaching at no extra cost.
Creating A Culture of Execution
In challenging, competitive times, it is even more important for an organization to operate with discipline, intensity and initiative. Yet many companies find just the opposite – complacency, entitlement and passivity. In this workshop the group will commit to a goal that requires higher levels of performance. They will brainstorm how to achieve those higher states without sacrificing fun, life-balance and teamwork.
Communicating for Action
Many companies have problems with accountability. This is true both in 1:1 relationships and in group meeting dynamics. In the 1:1 realm I bring attention to the simple yet powerful distinctions of requests, commitments, and the inevitable breakdowns that happen when someone fails to deliver on a commitment. In the group context, the discussion looks at the speech acts that move the action forward vs. those that stall or derail the action, resulting in wasted time and poor accountability.
Business Book Study Groups
In 2008 I pioneered a different kind of learning centered around business books. Unlike conventional “Book Clubs” where people share opinions and take a largely academic approach, my study groups focus on understanding and implementing relevant insights and lessons from top books. Books that I’ve covered include: Good to Great; 12: The Elements of Great Managing; If Harry Potter Ran General Electric; It’s Your Ship; Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done; A Sense of Urgency; and Crucial Conversations.
Contact Mike today to schedule a workshop.